This depends on a lot of factors, mostly your starting state, your expectations, and how much time you've allowed for Restore to take action.
It is safe to stop taking Restore Body Protection. It will not cause reactions or adverse effects if you stop your treatment or forget to take one of your daily doses.
As always, Rome wasn't built overnight.
If your situation took time to develop, it will take time to settle.
If you find relief with Restore Body Protection, there is a high chance that when stopping you may return to your normal state.
It is important to make positive lifestyle changes, and not just depend on an external solution - this applies to all vitamins & supplementations.
Things take time, but not forever. If you do not find benefit from a protocol at 3 weeks time, make sure you are following everything appropriately, and taking the appropriate dose for your situation and your body. If nothing changes in 3 months and you are sure that you have done everything to extract the most benefit out of a protocol - then your needs are somewhere else.
Your expectations should always be open-minded. Although some people take Restore Body Protection for their stomach health, they often note improved mood and sleep. Others have noted general life-resilience and better joint health - by sheer accident. By remaining open, and staying aware.
For instance, if you find benefit from taking Vitamin D (which takes time), you only experience those benefits while consistently taking Vitamin D. When you stop taking Vitamin D, you will slowly go back to how you were before the Vitamin. You may be better-off than your previous state, but you will not reap maximum benefits. The same example works with water and hydrating... you're only hydrated when you consistently drink water - so it is not shocking to feel tired and groggy from dehydration, after not drinking water. Feeding and nutrition, is the same.
It is often-times with the above examples, as well as Restore Body Protection, people may feel better or not attribute the benefit to their supplementation. It is only after they have stopped, do they shortly realize, how much benefit they were incurring. We welcome people to give us a shot, then take a break... and report back what you notice change in the time-period. We have some really cool stories - and not one is alike.